Regional Thinning

  • It is the process of breaking down fat with ultrasonic sound waves and radiofrequency in areas such as abdomen, hips and legs.
  • By reaching the fat cells just under the skin, it breaks up the fat masses. In addition, it also helps to repair the deformed and sagging tissue in these areas, and to increase the production of collagen.


  • It is a deep cleaning and moisturizing process using acids such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid and hyaluronic acid.
  • It is effective in the treatment of blackheads, on fine lines and wrinkles on skin with acne and oiling problems.
  • It tightens the pores, regulates the skin tone, and revitalizes the skin.
  • It stretches the skin with its lifting effect.

The process is completed with an LED photon oxygen face mask accompanied by music.


  • As the device has a vibration feature, a massage effect is created and thus relaxation is provided by accelerating the blood circulation in the body.
  • It prevents the formation of cellulite and it is beneficial to eliminate the existing cellulite problem.
  • It ensures the removal of toxins and it prevents skin sagging by its lifting effect.


  • It is the lifting and curling process by applying a solution to the eyelashes. Color is also added by the dyeing process after lifting the eyelashes.


  • Masks play an extremely important role in the skincare routine. Types of masks that revitalize your skin, purify it from foreign substances, and allow you to easily return to its natural beauty, also help you get rid of the signs of aging and find solutions to various skin health problems.